Rachel was Bailey's first friend at Ohio State and has been Bailey's spontaneous adventure buddy ever since! She has been Bailey's random road trip tag along, study partner, church buddy, and many more roles. Her thoughtfulness and kindness mean the world to Bailey.
Ross Williamson - Best Man
Ross is Ian's brother. Siblings always have unique relationships and theirs has grown so much since they were young. Ian has watched Ross grow into an amazing young man and younger brother and is excited to continue to go through life together.
Kaitlin Caniglia - Bridesmaid
Bailey and Kaitlin met at OSU during their freshman year in a church small group, and they roomed together after that. They love a good dance party, and Kaitlin has the moves to show it. Kaitlin is always a phone call away, and her advice and thoughtful words mean so much to Bailey.
Colin Caniglia - Groomsman
Colin and Ian became friends in high school and ended up being roommates at Ohio State for four years. Conversations at Wendy's across the street from St. Ignatius turned into late night conversations in the dorm. Those conversations and Colin's friendship have helped shape the person Ian is today.
Lexie Perrine - Bridesmaid
Bailey met Lexie during Bailey's freshman year in a church small group. Their friendship started with cooking sessions and fruitful conversations, and the conversations have just gotten better since. She is one of the easiest people to talk to because her heart for people is so big. Lexie is so hard-working and excels in everything she does.
Shivam Patel - Groomsman
Shivam and Ian became friends in high school and were roommates for two and a half years in college. Shivam always has something going on - from social to professional events. His drive, curiosity, and value of friendship are always appreciated and have helped Ian grow as a person.
Valerie Zaino - Bridesmaid
Bailey met Valerie in her Freshman year dorm at OSU. Valerie is such an illuminating presence and is sure to brighten up your day. Her caringness and optimism do not go unnoticed. Also, hit her up for all your dental needs--soon to be Valerie Zaino, DDS!
Andrew Benisek - Groomsman
Andrew is another high school friend turned college roommate. Always considered the "dad" of the group, his responsibility, drive, and kindness can always be counted. Whether its packing a minivan to go to the beach or discussing challenges in your life, he will be there trying to figure out how the pieces best go together.
Brooke Reinsch - Bridesmaid
Brooke and Bailey met in Speech class during Freshman year of HS. Brooke is one of the most inclusive people and is the best hostess an occasion could have. Bailey cherishes their phone calls to catch up about life, rant about life, or just hear each other's voices. Brooke will do anything for those she loves.
Blake Conrad - Groomsman
Blake is the middle child in the Conrad family and is the biggest social butterfly. Ian met Blake when he was visiting Ohio State once, before Bailey and Ian knew each other. He will be every mom's favorite Conrad and will have a witty comment to fill every silence.
Natalie Rosslan - Bridesmaid
Natalie and Bailey became friends after a school merger in 5th grade. But, technically they are "wombmates" since their parents attended birthing class together in '98. Despite their seemingly opposite personalities, the saying "opposites attract" truly stands for these two. Natalie has a joyous personality and has been making Bailey laugh since they met!
Ben Conrad - Groomsman
Ben is the youngest child and you can tell. On Ian's first Thanksgiving with the Conrads, Ben gave a presentation about everyone in their family. Ian had a slide that he would be wiling to share if you ask. Ben would also love to share all about his love life and that would be the only reason he would get the microphone at the wedding.